Bluloot Tech Accessories

Tech accessories that empower your everyday life

Services Provided

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity Design


Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Project overview

In 2020, I had the opportunity of building a brand identity for Bluloot, a dropshipping tech accessory business with the goal to empower younger generations in their everyday lives.

Bluloot's mission is to create a brand that younger generations view as their go-to place for highly curated, dynamic, high-end designed tech products and accessories. We set out to build a brand identity that set Bluloot apart from the saturated market of dropshipping through a brand identity that felt dynamic, exciting and avant garde for the industry.

A Meticulously constructed logomark

Given the logomark would be applied in extremely small-scale applications, from being engraved on products to printed on product tags, we knew we needed a mark that was hyper flexible in scale without sacrificing unique characteristics that made it memorable to the audience.

To solve for this, I designed a mark that was simple yet dynamic and energetic through the use of sharp angles. The mark is designed to invoke the shape of a lightning bolt, often associated with electronic accessories, while being an abstracted 'B' to represent Bluloot. This gave us a lot of character and meaning in the form while maintaining its ability to scale for any application needed.

A distinct visual language

Considering our goal of building a visual identity that set itself apart from an oversaturated market, we designed a distinct visual language. Leveraging a vibrant color palette, dynamic shapes dictated by our logomark, and gradients, we achieved a brand identity looked distinctly different and new when compared to other tech-based dropshipping brands. The gradients chosen were designed to invoke both the feeling of something new on the horizon, and the exciting range of products that Bluloot would come to offer.

Get in touch

Interested in building something together?

I'd love to discuss your needs! Send me an email with some details on what you're looking for and I'll reach out shortly.